Here’s Day #2 of “30 Days of Indie Travel” Project:
Day #2: Change can be exciting and bring new joys into our lives. But it can present challenges that frustrate or annoy us. How has travel changed you in the last year? Did you welcome these changes or resist them at the time, and how do you feel about them now?
I don’t think travel has changed me as much in the past year. I’m sure it’s had some effect on me, but I experienced the most significant changes when I was first traveling. That’s when my world opened up the most. That’s when I discovered all the good things about travel. Meeting people, learning languages, seeing all the things that other people see and tell you about just to make you jealous. My last trip was to a place I’d already been, and I was there more to work than to have fun. But I still had a great time and met new people, and I appreciated the experience. I’m grateful for everything I’ve learned when I first began to travel, and I’m as open to change now as I was back then. I just need to take a trip that goes further outside my comfort level. (My last trip was my 4th time to Istanbul, and it wasn’t as challenging as the first time. So perhaps Burma might be a good choice for my next trip?
After all, change is good…